Computer Graphics Forum, 16(3):C261-C269, September 1997.

Radiosity with well distributed ray sets

László Neumann

Attila Neumann

Philippe Bekaert


In this paper we present a new radiosity algorithm, based on the notion of a well distributed ray set (WDRS). A WDRS is a set of rays, connecting mutually visible points and patches, that forms an approximate representation of the radiosity operator and the radiosity distribution. We propose an algorithm that constructs an optimal WDRS for a given accuracy and mesh. The construction is based on discrete importance sampling as in previously proposed stochastic radiosity algorithms, and on quasi Monte Carlo sampling. Quasi Monte Carlo sampling leads to faster convergence rates and the fact that the sampling is deterministic makes it possible to represent the well distributed ray set very efficiently in computer memory. Like previously proposed stochastic radiosity algorithms, the new algorithm is well suited for computing the radiance distribution in very complex diffuse scenes, when it is not feasible to explicitly compute and store form factors as in classical radiosity algorithms. Experiments show that the new algorithm is often more efficient than previously proposed Monte Carlo radiosity algorithms by half an order of magnitude and more.


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